Another name for my home office is mission's where most calls get made, e-mails get answered, paperwork is completed, supplies are stored, and our life (the parts I'm responsible for :) are organized. There are many things about the house that we live in that I would change, but the one feature I do love is the space I created into my home office. Eventually it may need to serve dual purposes, but today it's just my office and I've been able to set it up just the way I like it :) Some of you may not have the space for a designated office, or may not even feel the need to have one, but if you like to be or would even like the idea of being organized, setting up a home office space/area is the secret.

Now I love organizing. I always have. As a child it was my job to set up and organize the Barbie houses, style the Barbie's and even on occasion would give one of them a haircut to make her look more like a "mom". When I taught 3rd grade, everything was labeled...everything had it's place. I felt like we were all so much more productive and most importantly it was never as difficult to get them to clean up because they knew where things belonged. Let's face it organizing takes, space, time and honestly money...and I haven't accomplished Martha Stewart status, heck some of you probably have many handy dandy tips you could share with me, but yesterday as I was "purging" my office space I thought that maybe a few of the ideas I've implemented could be helpful to you, especially since most things were done in a thrifty here it is, my first installment of my HOW TO series...
HOW TO...create a Home Office Space
1. Figure out where it's going to be. You may have ample space for a separate office, or it may need to be a nook that you carve out in the corner of another room. It doesn't need to be a big space, it just needs to become known as the designated work space in your home. Here are some creative ideas; set it up in a closet, this would require adding shelves, but shut the door and it "magically" disappears. I have a friend who has done this, I will try to get a picture. Use a corner of your living room or kitchen, or if you have a dining room that you rarely use, set it up using the dining room table- but organize it so things can be moved easily if you need to use the table for special occasions etc.
2. Establish some kind of desk area, whether it be an actual desk (you can find these very inexpensively at Goodwill, Salvation Army), a card table or some other kind of portable table, counter space, or an actual table (that's what I use, it was $99 at Walmart), or even TV trays with 2 table leaves across the top (this works I've done it in the past)

3. Clear the clutter. Go through paperwork and toss out anything that is not needed. Organize necessary paperwork into stacks by relevance. I have file folders on top of my desk with paperwork that is needed regularly. All other paperwork is kept in a filing cabinet (again these can be found at Goodwill, yard sales, etc.) I found mine at Salvation Army, brought it home, slapped some black paint on it and made it perfect for my space. I also keep a 3 drawer set beside my desk. The top drawer has 2 boxes, one for receipts that need to be filed, and one for important paperwork that I need to respond to. The second and third drawer houses catalogs, CD's and other materials for my business. The drawers pull out so that if I need to take those supplies with me I don't need to transfer them into another container, I can just pull the drawer out and take it with me.

4. Find something to use as a desktop organizer. I found this actual organizer in the clearance section at TJMaxx- it had a few scratches on it... I didn't care :) You could also use a plant pot, mason jars,a silverware or other type of drawer organizer if you would rather have it in a drawer ( i don't have drawers since I use a table, so had to get something for the desktop) really anything that is tall enough for your pens, highlighters, scissors to fit down into.
5. Have some type of calendar nearby. I keep a small desktop calendar out so that I can easily scan an entire month at one time and it's nice to include activities, events that happen on a regular basis, but then of course I keep a daily calendar with me for more specifics.
6. Depending on the amount of space you have , but even it's limited space, find a place for a picture or some important memento. It makes the space more personal and will bring a smile to your face. I keep a few pictures, and other small mementos on my idea that worked really well is using a piece of class to keep notes, verses, other important pictures or things you love flat and visible at all times :)
7. Bulletin boards are also a great place for keepsakes or important papers. You can use a regular bulletin board and splash it up by covering it with fabric or scrapbook paper, or you can make one like I did. Take the glass out of a frame you like, cover cork board squares with fabric, glue them down to a piece of sturdy cardboard and then place into the frame. It's fun because you can personalize it. An old shutter also makes for a very fun display/bulletin board.
8. I have an obsession with little drawers! They are the perfect organizing tool! I use them for paper, labels, cards, markers, stamps and other office supplies. The best part is you can stick a label right on the front of each drawer and WOW-- you are getting close to the looks of a Martha Stewart "REAL SIMPLE" magazine spread :)
I found this drawer set at Goodwill for $4 |
9. Fresh flowers- everyone can find a place to squeeze some fresh flowers- it will add a splash of color, style and happiness :)

10. Keep magazines, catalogs in...hmmm I'm not sure what they are called...magazine :) I also keep a book/file stand on my desk for all my "go to" books, my bible etc. Things being easily accessible is the key.
Last but not least just a few overall organizing tips...
* Since many of us now print recipes from the Internet, use a 3-ring notebook to house your recipes.
* Have a 2 pocket folder that travels with you everywhere. I put mail or other paperwork that I need to take care of that day and always have it with me .
* I'm a huge list maker. I do have things that are "every day" type of tasks so I made document up with the 5 every day activities and then lines for specifics for that day. I made copies of them and use that as my "to do" list and keep it in that folder that goes everywhere with me :) You can personalize your "to do" list just for you!
* Invest in a small fire proof safe to store your most important documents.
* Tidy up your office space at the end of each day so the clutter will not return and you will not be greeted by a pile of junk the next morning.
more lil' drawers...yeah :) |
For some organizing is a DIY project that could practically disguise it's self as a hobby, where for others it's sounds like absolute torture. Hopefully a few of these tips helped...and if you need encouragement or even a little manual labor from a friend...don't hesitate to call :) Oh...and please leave any of your organization tips in the comments section...THANKS :)
my office picture wall |