We've all heard the saying, "Where there's a will, there's a way." This is the phrase you use to respond to someone who says that something...
a. can't be done
b. shouldn't be done
c. will not be done immediately
I believe I have a relatively "strong" will to see things happen that I want to see happen. The other day I noticed there were heaps of sticks and debris on our garage roof and it looked messy and I wanted it cleaned off...so I ventured up onto the roof and got the job done...and even cleared a few gutters while I was up there :) I could give you countless examples of how the old adage, "Where there's a will, there's a way" has unveiled itself over the years, but my most recent example was Tuesday morning when I began another series in the saga of "Auntie Carey's Adventures in Babysitting."
It was 7:15 am and all the residents of South Prince Street were either already at work, or still sleeping...because it was quiet and the streets were empty, which meant Reagan's bumper was going to escape the wrath of my parallel parking skills meeting the sidewalk! So that Malia and Noa could sleep longer I was going to start the day off at their house, but had transferred car seats so if we wanted to be bop around town or head back to my house we could. I was so sleepy that morning, so after my sister-in-law left I cranked out on the couch under a cozy blanket being lulled back into a full R.E.M cycle by the roaring air conditioner. And although I was seconds away from a critical moment in the dream I was having the minute I heard, "Mommy?"...I sat straight up as if I had never fallen asleep. I went to the steps to greet Malia and remind her that Mommy had gone to class and she gave me a big smile, her green eyes still glassy and asked if I wanted to watch a movie. She wasn't wasting anytime. This kid would watch movies all day if you let her. We chatted it up a bit downstairs. She told me all about "last night" and how they went to Eden & Kiah's, ate tacos and took pictures. Before long we heard Noa's desperate cry for help...she wanted to be rescued from the attic closet (no need to call child services, this closet is basically the size of a small bedroom :) As I climbed the steep steps I could hear her jabbering and as I pulled back the door I got another beautiful greeting...this one a grin, with those Chiclet like teeth and a faint, "Auntie" as her eyes adjusted to the bright light.
I served them an impressive breakfast of Cocoa Krispies and after most of Noa's cereal was slopped onto the floor we headed upstairs to get dressed. After rummaging through the drawers of clothes I came to the conclusion that I was going to need to make a decision rather than trying to find the perfect outfit...and why was it that I was feeling inclined to have them match...and maybe even coordinate with what I had on? So normal people do this? WOW- this dressing more than just yourself deal is too much, I need to start therapy now. Noa showed me her latest trick of removing her own diaper and Malia told me everything there was to know about Tinkerbell. Their bathing suits were laying on top of the dresser, which gave me the brainy idea to go on a search for a kiddie pool...and this is where the real adventure begins.
While loading into the car, Malia became enthralled with a mole on my back and wanted to engage me in a game of 20 questions about it. What was it? How did it get there? Do I have a lot of them? Does she have some? I wouldn't consider myself the most "moley" person in the world, but apparently that morning my moles became the subject of her inquisitiveness. Noa wanted to know where Uncle Rea-GUN ( she says it with a growl...so cute) was and I explained he was at work, and Malia informed me that her Daddy was at work too. As we were cruising through the city Malia asked if she could read my rainbow book. I had know idea what she was talking about, but I reached behind my seat and pulled it out of the pocket to find that yes, this book had a rainbow on it, but it was none other than "Master Key to Riches"...not exactly a picture book. I gave it to her anyway and she seemed quite pleased to browse through it and make up her own story, but then of course Noa wanted the other book. What book was that? Again I reached into the pocket to pull out a small binder that holds all of Reagan's business cards. This is where I made such a rookie move. I handed her the book, only to look back seconds later to find that she had pulled every last business card out of the darn little book...but nonetheless they were both content...until Malia had her routine morning explosion (aka a HUGE SNEEZE) that sent snot rockets dripping from her nose. I HAD NO TISSUES. No wipes, no nothing! I told her I would wipe it with her bathing suit and then wash it later...but that suggestion didn't go over too well. I rooted through my purse...the closest thing I had to a tissue was a receipt...and that wasn't going to do. I looked back to find her face paralyzed, she was trying so hard not to move in efforts to keep the snot put. I could reach back there and grab it with my bare hands, only to wipe it on....? Reagan's seat? NO, not a good idea. My pants? There had to be another option. And then it appeared, like a beam of light from heaven....TURKEY HILL. They were always good for a few napkins so I grabbed a handful...no need to be unprepared :) It was just a little detour...and remember, "Where there's a will there's a way." I'm getting back to that.
Next stop Target. After unloading and strapping them into this monstrosity of a shopping cart, it looked more like an amusement park ride...we zipped into Target to buy our kiddie pool...only to find out they didn't have any, well the plastic kind at least. I wasn't in the market for the blow up kind. I wasn't prepared to give myself a perpetual headache and take the chance of passing out on the girls while trying to inflate a pool. This was Target...I thought I was to EXPECT MORE. PAY LESS? Next stop Christmas Tree Shop...no go! I couldn't believe it, CTS usually has everything...but not a kiddie pool, although we did find the world's biggest box of Goldfish in which the girls felt very strongly should be opened in the store. I put my stern face on and told them they had to wait until we paid and got into the car. But the most unbelievable part is while I was explaining all of this to them in line the cashier took advantage of me in my weakened state and tried to upsell me these pool balls that were...just $1.00. Knowing we were seconds from a melt down I promptly said "Yes", to the stupid balls so we could get out of the store, into the car, and get these starving children some gosh darn goldfish.
Remember...where there's a will there's a way. At this point let's take the time to define this saying...
Will (noun) = strong determination, desire
Way (noun)= path, method
I was not going to be denied. I had made two stops attempting to find a kiddie pool and if it was going to take a third stop...than a third stop it would be. I was beginning to wonder if we were going to hit every store along Lincoln Highway. Now, no offense to those of you that love a good "blue light special", but KMart, doesn't tend to be my store of choice, and especially the one located in East Town Mall... let's face it...it's the ghetto KMart. But my judgements may need to be put to rest because believe it or not, 3 stops later this is where we found a plastic kiddie pool. But my "will" was going to be tested one last time when I discovered that the pool looked a lot bigger than what I was anticipating. I was in a Chevy Malibu for crying out loud, not a Silverado. But it had to be done. I had found a pool and I wasn't stopping one more time. My brow had beaded with sweat and the thought of getting in and out of car seats one more time was not how I anticipated spending the entire day. I checked the pools flexibility. It was KMart...you can't really expect too much from their choice of plastic and in this case I was really glad. I carried the pool through the store as the girls ran ahead of me only to run into a lady signing customers up for a "rewards card" and for some strange reason had two huge stuffed animal Snoopies accompanying her. I thought Snoopie was so a character of the past...but apparently he still tugged on the hearts of children because both girls grabbed one and wouldn't let go. After much coaxing and painting a picture of how much fun it was going to be to swim in the plastic pool in freezing cold water on my back deck...they decided to release the "Snoopies" and get into line with me. I got Malia and Noa strapped into their car seats...again...and now the wrestling match was on. Carey vs. the Kiddie Pool. Where there is a will there is a way! This pool was going to fit into my trunk...no matter what. So I literally stepped, folded, punched, bent and SHOVED the pool into my trunk, slammed it shut and the deed was done! Ding, ding, ding. I had won. Three stores, some goldfish, an almost stolen Snoopie later...we were headed home for a afternoon of lounging around our luxurious blue plastic, mangled kiddie pool...and to play with our $1.00 water balls.
Of course when you have the will to find a way...it's always worth it. I mean just look at these faces :)
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can't have a pool party without some Doritos :) Check out the orange face stain :) |
Carey....I SO enjoyed your post today! The story of the sneeze and the business cards in the book literally made me laugh out loud. Every few weeks my niece Kendra will come stay with us for a weekend. Every time....I swear I get caught in these "rookie" moves you write of. Erv can't understand why I can't foresee these mini disasters. The whole car seat deal...I fell for "Aunt La...I know how to buckle myself!"...like your business card story...I even thought, she really admires Erv, I bet she would love to look through his scrapbook of his journey to platinum while I dry my hair....Wooooppps... haha
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thanks so much for making my afternoon, I LOVED it! Can't wait till we have kids of our own one day soon...I'm sure we will have lots of more of these stories to talk about!
I dont know you, but I was trying to find out if a plastic kiddie pool would fit into my car and i found this post! haha thank you :D
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