On August 4th, my day began with the "Adventures of Dot & Hazel"...no it's not a book or reality series, it probably could be...but it was the chance to chauffeur my Grammy and her bff around town through all the "traffic", considering the bustling metropolis that Lancaster is, to do some shopping.
Dorothy Louise, or as most know her...Dot, is my Grammy. She's quite the lady, and well because she's my Grammy I've had the privilege of knowing her my entire life :) When I was born we only lived about 500 yards down the street, and today her and Pappy live with my parents in the "North Wing" as we like to call it. So she's always been close by, and not just in physical proximity, but in my heart too. She is what every kid would want in a "Grammy". She put in a swimming pool...just for us, gave us piles of Christmas presents every year, brought M&M's in little containers to church for us every Sunday, always took us school shopping, had the best attic in the world to sleep in and most importantly always loved us and supported us from the minute we started breathing to well...here today 33 years later. Grammy is an entrepreneur at heart, and cutting edge in every way. YEARS ago she started a workout facility in her basement. Let me assure you that was WAY before working out was even common, especially among women, and today in 2011 she has a Facebook profile...hello! She keeps everything, including receipts from 1960 and has a list of every expense from my mother's wedding. And let's not forget that when she bought a farm, subdivided it into lots, and was required to put two roads in...the first road was named none other than, CAREY DRIVE, after her firstborn granddaughter, me :) In my opinion, she is a living legend.
And then there is Hazel...who is Grammy's best friend. I, of course, don't know Hazel as well because she's not my Grammy...but anyone that is Grammy's friend is my friend. Considering that Grammy and Hazel met over 40 years ago...Hazel has been a part of my life as long as I can remember as well. I do have fond memories of visiting her at the A&P grocery store, where she worked in the deli for YEARS, and was mighty good at handing out samples to hungry children :) But as far as their history... they met while selling Tupperware and told me that although there were a bunch of ladies that they worked with they seemed to just "click" and have been "besties" every since :) And they weren't just your average, run of mill, Tupperware saleswomen that happened to become best friends...they were butt-kicking, hardworking, sales skyrocketing Tupperware divas that both earned 2-3 complimentary station wagons, while working with Tupperware based on their excellent sales performance. And if you met them, you wouldn't be surprised. They still have that spark in their eye, a smile on their face, and a spirit that speaks, "I can get things done". Let me prove my point...
We hopped in my car and cruised a few miles down the road. Today's shopping tour was headed to the Christmas Tree Shop, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and of course Costco. Much to my surprise Kohl's was not on the destination list, but that was only because there weren't any 30%off coupons to be used and plus they both agreed that they were too old to buy more clothes. Now that didn't stop them the day before...haha...but today's shopping list did not include any new attire.
Hazel & Dot (Grammy) |
I could have predicted exactly how this lunch would go...and sure enough it went just as I thought. They both ordered Pepsi...they could be the "poster children" for Pepsi and the game of Dominoes. Surely both would be more popular after their endorsement. Grammy asked Hazel what she was ordering, and Hazel asked Grammy what she had decided on. In the end they did what best friends, especially ones that were raised by parents who were products of the "Great Depression" do, and that's each order a bowl of soup and split a sandwich. We chatted and laughed and I got a refresher course on how they met and became the best of friends. As I sat there and thought about each of them, their lives and their friendship I realized that true friends absolutely know the value of simple memories. Their friendship had never been based on extravagant experiences, but those of real life...where you need real friends. It was based not on one BIG thing, but on a million little things. Of course they fought over the bill, I knew there was definitely NO POINT in me even offering to chip in...and to tell you the truth I kind of forget who won that battle...I think it was Hazel, but only because Grammy had paid for yesterdays lunch :)
Our last stop was Costco...the superstore phenomenon. The place that is constantly busy, sells everything from sausage to stereos, locks up their diapers and formula, makes you show ID to purchase, and sells the cheapest, tastiest frozen yogurt on earth. Oh, and don't let me forget a special feature at our Lancaster Costco location...private horse and buggy tie-up post for our Amish Costco customers. It's amazing how they fit those 2 ton bags of...well anything, in those buggies. Grammy and Hazel love shopping for food, it's a hobby, it's an art form to them. They figure out the best deals, the price per ounce, and know secrets like how to pick the pasta salad from the very back of the refrigerated case because THAT would be the freshest. Makes sense...but who had time to think about these things? Not I...not until my brief tutorial from the grocery connoisseurs. Upon arrival they decided only one cart was necessary, but about half way through our Costco journey they decided they both needed something to lean on while walking, so naturally they shared. Hazel on the left side of the cart handle and Grammy on the right. It was the perfect picture of friendship...if it had been used in one of those inspirational pictures series, the quote would have read, "Friends that push a cart, will never part".
...and that about wrapped up the shopping adventure. But I was left with more than a few purchases from the Christmas Tree Shop and a belly full of potato soup...I was reminded that when you find a friend that you "click" with...keep things "clicking" no matter how old, how many miles separate you, or how much life may try to get in the way. Because as Robert Brault says, "Most of us don't need a psychiatric therapist as much as a friend to be silly with."
Oh, how true...oh, how sweet...oh, what a gift a friend really is. Thank you Grammy and Hazel for living out true friendship. I love you both.
This warmed my heart Carey! You are a great friend and it is easy to see why--you had a living example :) So cute!!